Discover Northern California's
Frequently Asked Questions
( FAQs )

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We've received some great e-mail questions about what there is to see and do in Northern California, and some of them have surprised us - even as long as we've lived here! It's been fun to do the research when we didn't know the answer - there's always something new to discover!

If you have a question about Northern California, please fill out the easy to use form below and we promise to do our best to get you an answer. Or check out what others have asked - you could be the one to add a missing link!

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Table Mountain in Spring; by Wolf RosenbergTable Mountain in Spring; by Wolf Rosenberg

Discover Northern California's FAQs

It occurred to us, since we were answering some questions more than once, that other people might want to know the answers too!

And that other people might have different answers than we do! Much as we've traveled and explored Northern California, we certainly don't know everything there is to know about every single place - Northern California is just too huge and diverse!

So let's all help each other out: if you have a question, please feel free to ask it and we'll do our best to answer. But also, if you have an answer for someone else's question - jump right in!

If you have a website or a blog feel free to include your URL!

It's so easy to ask or answer a question! Just type in your title, then click on the link for "the REST of your story"...

Take a Look Below To See
What Other Visitors Have Contributed:

Click on one of the titles below to see what questions and answers other visitors have shared!

How do I download a map for the Russian River Drive day trip? 
I would like a map for the Russian River day trip drive mentioned on this website. How can I download one?

Do You know Any Good Spots To Go Crabbing in Northern California? 
I Was wondering if you could lead me to a spot to do some crabbing. Me, my wife, and two boys just got back from a good trip to Dillon Beach CA. We …

Looking to Relocate to Northern California 
I am presently living in Cumberland Gap Tennessee and my wife, brother and I are wanting to relocate to Northern California. We are all disabled so …

Do you know of any zip lines in Northern California? I'd really like to try and can't afford to go to Costa Rica or someplace like that.

Click here to write your own.

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