Sonoma - Cooking Class

by Laurie
(Chico, CA)

Ramekins Chef

Ramekins Chef

One of the most fun adventures we took was a cooking class held at Ramekins in Sonoma. What a blast. Ramekins has all kinds of enticing cooking classes. They are small, you get copies of all the recipes, easy to do and understand, and the demonstration is close up. We did one of the evening classes with three other couples.....and yes, the husbands, who do not usually cook, loved it and were totally engaged.

We laughed, cooked and drank good wine. Also, with the cooking school, Ramekins has a small Inn. We stayed two nights there too. The rooms are very large, cozy, and sleek. Downtown Sonoma has lots of quaint shops and restaurants, lots to offer for a nice stroll and the surrounding hills offer beautiful wineries. One of the best and most interesting wineries is Glen Lyon. Its small, stunning, and produces some very nice wines. We were able to take a wine tour of Glen Lyon, and none of us will ever forget it. I think all in our weekend party would agree that our weekend at Ramekins was one of the best we have done.

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Sounds Like Fun!
by: Suzi

Greetings Laurie,

Thanks for sharing your adventure with us. Sonoma is such an amazing little town with so much to offer - I find something new every time I go.


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